Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Young and the Health Insured

Premiums: The amount paid or to be paid by the policyholder for coverage under the contract, usually i n periodic installments.

Adverse Selection: The process of singling out potential customers who are considered at higher risk than the average.

Risk Averse: A person who dislikes risk.

Description & Analysis:

The article talks about how the number of young people uninsured is the highest its ever been been and that result is not because the young have better health, rather, because the young make less money than anyone. People who can afford health care are more likely to have it, because health has been a major concern and scarce resource for those of us living in America. Polls have shown that while the young are less likely to endure health issues, the young and uninsured are more likely to become ill than those who are young and insured. The reason behind this is because the young cannot afford health insurance. Most jobs that offer benefits require degrees and full time hours. This is not practical foe students in college or students who come from low-income families with no source of health insurance or money.

Explanation: Because congress has failed to create a reform for health care many people have been left hanging in between or without health insurance. Congress has shown little compassion for its constituents and the whole idea of making sure everyone is healthy and living a life of quality has not been assured. Major corporations do not want to take on risky clients who have chunky or liable health history. It is not surprising that young adults of America are intimidated by being insured.

Prediction: I predict that the age of the uninsured will rise as time progresses. It will no longer be a matter of how old people are, but it will be who is willing to go without insurance in order to maintain a life of stability and comfort. Money has become the central focus amongst the entire world and the basic human rights that were written and granted by our founding fathers has been pushed to the very bottom of the Government's priority list.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cuts in Programs to Help Inmates Questioned

Key Terms:

Recidivism-Repeated or habitual relapse, as into crime.

Deficit-The amount by which a sum of money falls short of the required amount.

Rehabillitation-To restore to a condition of good health, ability to work,or the like.


Because there is a limited amount of money in CA, the Governor is forced to trim a great amount of money from the prison system's budget. By doing so, prisons will be forced to released inmates that are currently working with and in rehabillitation programs. The government chose this specific group of inmates because they want the recidivism rate to be as low as possible.


California has the highest recidivism rate in the nation, 70%. That means that for every 10 inmates released each year, 7 of them return. Though the epicenter of the problem is unsure it is not surprising, being that California has one of the largest populations in the nation. There are many factors as to why this statistic proves to be extremely high but being so, how does California expect to improve its recidivism rate by cutting funds to rehabillitation programs?


California has a $20billion deficit through June 11. More programs will be cut as a result of the major financial. $1.2billion were cut from prison systems alone in the past two years.


While I feel that this cut could be even more dangerous to the economy and well being of the California society. I also believe that with a great amount of intensive work and determination to lower the recidivism rate, that cutting the budget will force California's prison system to improve.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Historical First for Women Payrolls!

Key Terms:
Non Farm Workers: Employment that does not include the self-employed, unpaid family members, or agricultural workers.

Recession: An extended decline in general business activity, typically two consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product.

Payroll: A list of employees to be paid.

Analysis + Explanation:

Because of the recession and seasonal adjustments, the amount of women working has surpassed men. Construction, an intensive labor of man is not popular during the winter so many believe it has dropped the number of men working, along with the fact recession and the high rate of unemployment. In all of history, women have never surpassed men in the employment rate, though, a major factor that makes it difficult for women to work and stay motivated is payment equality. Men and women hold equal positions, but it is known that men are paid more. This event is a step that women have been waiting for a long time,however,many men would argue that the playing field is not equal because of the recession.


I think that this will give women great momentum for the new year of 2010. I think that equality is attainable and hopefully it will be. I have no insight as to when the recession will be over but I know that we are making small strides and in those strides men will most definitely have more work avaialable to them as our nation tries to modernize itself.

Monday, February 1, 2010

"California's divided fortunes" by Cari Tuna

Key Words*:
Revenue=The income of a government from taxation, excise duties, customs or other sources appropriated to the payment of the public expenses.

Venture-Capital=Funds invested or available for investment in a new or unproven business enterprise.

Exports=To ship (commodities) to other countries or othe places for sale exchange.

*Keywords from and

The article explained how California has a great division with its economic stability. Inland areas in California are plummeting while coastal areas continue to thrive. Because of the heavy weight inland areas are causing, California's overall economic stability could decline and cause great tension between its residents.
According to the California Employment Development Department California's unemployment rate is 12.4% to the nation's 10% average.Many are afraid that the inland-coastal division will cause social disgression between residents of CA.The housing boom was a moment in California where cheaper houses were inland and coastal home were much harder to afford. However, now, the roles have switched leaving many people upset and confused.
Now that the new homes are old and people want to move toward the coast, there is a small chance that the inland areas wont be able to revcover.That would be hard because revenue inland has declined a great deal.


There is a division between the two because inland areas dont produce or sale as much as coastal areas.The division has created a great deal of irritation regarding economic stability and im sure people are mad because they moved to inland to commute when homes are where they work are now.


I think this occured due to the recession and the many jobs that were lost. It also has to do with how we are recovering from the recession. Many people are buying homes on the coast and the trade-off just happens to be the homes no one cares for inland.


I predict that there will be a great struggle inland because money is beginnning to flow again and people are eager to move to the coast.