Sunday, March 21, 2010

Will the US Become the Next Ireland?

Key Terms:

Fiscal-Of or relating to government expenditures, revenues, and debt.

Gross Domestic Product-The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country.

Liability- An Obligation that legally bind an individual or a company to settle a debt.

An economist compares the current recession here in the US to the recession in Ireland. The fall in to debt took the same course for both countries. It was the crash in the banking system. This blog informs readers that Ireland should serve as an example to the US as well as Greece- its neighboring country, also in a financial bind. Ireland was forced to make drastic cuts in its public paying system by 20% and a lot of Governmental funds were forced to be injected in restoring all of its major financial matters.

Analysis & Explanation:
Ireland's major banks were distributing cheap credit, they were also allowing any one and everyone to take out loans. Banks thought that it would send the economy soaring because all the money would go back into the economy. However, the fundamental problemof economics is scarcity(unlimited wants,limited resources). There is no doubt that everyone wants as much as they can get, but there is a reason why money flows as it does and why there are higher prices for one item than another. The reason is because there isn't enough resources to produce any one thing for the entire world. Resources are scarce and so is quality. It is actually quite simple, some people are able to afford more than others. That being stated, with a large number of people taking out loans from any and every financial background, there becomes an unbalanced economy and money gone never to return. Ireland's Gross Domestic Product had been the major source of money and made up 2.5 times the money that banks invested with. In 2008 the GDP dropped at large, 7.5%. Money then became extremely scarce and with liability factors being disregarded for loaners and companies, it was no doubt that the lighthearted, financial opportunities given out where by far the greatest bruise attained in this blooming financial problem.

I think that our economy is already taking fairly drastic matters to improve our economy. However, I do not think those small moves will be greatly beneficial because they are so small that no major progress can be seen. If we continue to play with this broken financial bone it could hurt us a great deal and leave us paralyzed.Ireland has learned from their mistake, and although it will take them quite some time to heal, we must consider their situation if and when we make major financial decisions.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Production and Demand Increase

Key Terms:
Industrial production: A measure of the country's economic health judged by its output from manufacturing, mining, and utility industries. Industrial production is calculated by the Federal reserve.

Federal Reserve:The central bank for the United States

Inventory: Goods and materials available in stock.


Since the start of the financial crisis, manufacturing has increased and it provides a great deal of hope for the economy being as inventories rise because of demand increase. Economist are predicting that there will be a large output of manufactured products and that will greatly help the economy.We are recovering due to the recovery of manufactured outputs.It is our most stable growth and it has also reconnected trade flows in the process.

The Federal Reserve has calculated a 1% increase in the sole month of February. The increase had the potential of being higher but due to weather instability and safety, many production days were cancelled or stalled. Another factor that could have increased the percentage is the Toyota recall. In order to ensure safety to its consumers, Toyota was forced to recall its most recent model and spend tons of money to accomodate its customers so that they would stay loyal to the company. Toyota, one of the few car manufactures in the U.S. (others include Ford, and General Motors) has been a contributor to the wealth of this nation, it would be very difficult if we were to lose its contribution.

The United States is in its biggest economic crisis since The Great Depression. Many people are jobless and no money is going into the economy because the unemployed can not afford to buy products and because products aren't being purchased demand has gone down, and because demand has gone down jobs aren't needed.

I am confident that the economy will continue to head in the right direction. However, I do think that it will be a long process and we must all have patience. If people lose all of their faith in the American economy , it will definitely suffer more. Money is such a security blanket for humans because it has proved to be an essential for survival and success in the world. As sad as that is, it is the reality and it is what we know.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Expenses of Growing Old

Key Terms:
Medicare= A federally administered system of health insurance available to persons aged 65 and over.

Entitlements= A guarantee of access to benefits because of rights or by agreement through law.

Premium= Payment of insurance.

Description + Analysis:
There has been much debate on the floor regarding elderly health care. It is surprising that only a small fraction of expenses are covered by medicare. The elderly have entitlements but those entitlements do very little to support those uninsured or barely covered by their health providers. The typical 65-year old married couple should expect to spend $200,000.00 on "uninsured" health care cost(premiums,out-of-the-pocket cost, and home health care costs)... This does not include nursing homes or long-term ill persons.

Congress has been stalling the new Health Care reform. Without set standards insurance companies are taking advantage of the freedom that they have with setting and regulating their own policies. The elderly have been pushed aside in regards to Health Care because they are known to have a greater risk factor.

I have given up on congress coming together to create something as serious as the Health Care Reform. Our Bi-partisan congress refuses to set aside their separate beliefs and values for their constituents greater good. I am very disturbed that it is taking so long because a lot of ill people have already fallen through the cracks due to their inefficiency. I'm not sure what the future holds for America's Health Care reform, but i am sure the greater good for health amongst Americans will suffer.