Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Expenses of Growing Old

Key Terms:
Medicare= A federally administered system of health insurance available to persons aged 65 and over.

Entitlements= A guarantee of access to benefits because of rights or by agreement through law.

Premium= Payment of insurance.

Description + Analysis:
There has been much debate on the floor regarding elderly health care. It is surprising that only a small fraction of expenses are covered by medicare. The elderly have entitlements but those entitlements do very little to support those uninsured or barely covered by their health providers. The typical 65-year old married couple should expect to spend $200,000.00 on "uninsured" health care cost(premiums,out-of-the-pocket cost, and home health care costs)... This does not include nursing homes or long-term ill persons.

Congress has been stalling the new Health Care reform. Without set standards insurance companies are taking advantage of the freedom that they have with setting and regulating their own policies. The elderly have been pushed aside in regards to Health Care because they are known to have a greater risk factor.

I have given up on congress coming together to create something as serious as the Health Care Reform. Our Bi-partisan congress refuses to set aside their separate beliefs and values for their constituents greater good. I am very disturbed that it is taking so long because a lot of ill people have already fallen through the cracks due to their inefficiency. I'm not sure what the future holds for America's Health Care reform, but i am sure the greater good for health amongst Americans will suffer.

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